Hunger Erupts
by Jesmia Avery
The character of a landscape stands always in a mysterious relation to the soul of man.
- Charles Madge, "Landscape I"
A rich field,
Sweeping zealously yellow,
Provides brightness;
Hunger erupts,
A rumbling disrupts leveled earth.
Corn husk and hair squeak agreeably,
A torn sheath of green,
A flaccid tassel,
Between thin, towering stalks,
Deaf to the growling highway,
Reaches the mystery, the echo,
A fertile sounding.
Rough skinned crops rustle
Fully with harsh leaves:
A sweet bite,
A thick twist of wind.
In this Wisconsin landscape,
Hunger and roughness interweave;
Green and sharp yellow
Uncover and rehusk.
© 2003 by Jesmia Avery. All rights reserved.